Can we create a system that allows users to share their order with others so as to take away the hassle of splitting tabs and handling multiple orders?
Created a mobile a concept for a mobile application that allowed users to create a food order where they could take full advantage of the various restaurants available in the database by allowing them to order from multiple locations at one go. Including a system that allowed users to share their order with other users to take away the hassle of splitting tabs and handling multiple orders.
Tanvi key decision
The starting focus on an older demographic stemmed a lot from conversations I had with friends of my parents, and from talking to family members. Both these groups would often fall under a variety of immigrant backgrounds.
Tanvi key decision
Our context scenarios were created with a mix of real scenarios we gathered in our interviews with users and with some more generic scenarios we created based on information we got during our more general interviews with people.
Tanvi key decision
The initial paper prototypes were created by my other team members, however we tested them together on our peers. We ended up moving how the user would get to the group order from the menus after the paper prototype testing. Users testing our prototype would show frustration at there not being a simpler way to create a group order. It would initially require them to go to their orders tab and create a group order before populating it, after this set of testing we added the option to add users directly to ones shopping cart.
Tanvi key decision
The need to have ample amount of images when ordering food was something that was stressed quite a lot by our older demographic during the initial interviews about food apps.
Many of them would often not understand what certain things are and for some of them, being immigrants they would have no idea what certain names referred to. Having a visual for dishes was something many prople preferred for a lot of restaurants.